Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Really, a year?

Saturday was a year.

She started out like this:
And now she's walking and signing and "talking".

Oh, and the birthday sweater? It got finished and blocked and she wore it and looked adorable.

(In the next post we'll go back and see her Halloween costume and what she wore to vote).


Sue said...

It goes by so quickly doesnt it. Happy Birthday to your cutie. Helena looks beautiful on her too.

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns for the Mini-Bean.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bean...you are adorable!

suse-the-slow-knitta said...

the best way to eat cake!

YogaNan knits, too... said...

Oh, what fun it was to see her TOTALLY enjoy her cake & birthday, and she looked absolutely divine in her new sweater! Glad I was there to share the experience.