Saw this on
Melissa's blog and thought it was too fun to pass up. To make the cover you need photo editing software... Or just list your results. The photo came from
~buzzybee~'s photos on Flicker.
Step 1
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:RandomThe name of the article is the name of your band.
Step 2
http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3The last four words of the last quote is the name of your album.
Step 3
http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/The third image, from left to right, is your cover art.
Fun, eh? I might decide to have many bands and albums.
Ok, so here's the Ninja Bean:

And here is her showing voting pride:

In knitting news, I'm making progress on the Beaded Shawl in the latest Vogue Knitting and on my dad's sweater. No pictures of either because unblocked lace is a mess, and the sweater hasn't changed except there is more of it to see. I also finished a scarf for my mom I started years ago. There was a limited amount of yarn (I dyed it at a fiber fair a couple years ago), so it's a short scarf that you'd wear under a coat. I'm hoping a wash will soften it, otherwise my mom might want to line one side of it, because it's not really soft (and considering she finds cashmere itchy...).